Dean shows off superpowers, annihilates foes
Ah, what could have been. If only Howard Dean had been our nominee, rather than Kerry…I ♥ how plain spoken and uncompromising he is.
And I think, frankly, that Joe [Lieberman] is absolutely wrong, that it is incumbent on every American who is patriotic and cares about their country to stand up for what's right and not go along with the president, who is leading us in a wrong direction.
There are no Democrats who took money from Jack Abramoff, not one, not one single Democrat. Every person named in this scandal is a Republican. Every person under investigation is a Republican. Every person indicted is a Republican. This is a Republican finance scandal. There is no evidence that Jack Abramoff ever gave any Democrat any money. And we've looked through all of those FEC reports to make sure that's true.
Crooks and Liars has the video of part of the interview. The other striking thing is how pathetic and desperate Wolf Blitzer looks—he tries to spin the whole thing into the usual Republican talking points, and Dean just burns him to the ground with a glance of his laser-beam eyes.
Seeing the Forest makes similar points—Republicans are trying to turn this into a "Democrats do it too" issue, and while we've got some sleaze here and there, in this case it's straight up partisan corruption.
This corruption scandal is about people breaking existing laws. This is about Republican Congressmen and White House officials indicted for illegally taking bribes. They took payments in exchange for abusing their power, providing favors to cronies, and for using their power to block investigations and oversight.
Please, please, O Democrats: this is what we need, more straight-shooters and take-no-prisoners responses. Throw out the Lieberman and Biden wafflers, and get some more fiery liberals on the national stage. Maybe Dean is in the right place to push us in that direction…at least I hope so.
(via Atrios)
Contrary to Dean's absolutist statement, cupidity is a failing to which people of all political persuasions succumb. However, that said, more Republicans will be found guilty of greed for the simple reason that they have the currency that Abramoff coveted: Power and the will to use for nefarious purposes. The Democrats are like eunuchs in a harem; they have nothing to bestow, so Abramoff cultivated few of them for favors. Scandal is one of those things that rears its head when one party gains too much power. The voters usually correct the imbalance in the next election. The only difficulty is that given our rigid political system, the nation must suffer for three more years of Dubya's abuse, unless the Dems can regain control of both houses of Congress and impeach and convict Dubya of high crimes. The downside to that, of course, is that we get snarky Dickie for president, unless Congress can impeach both!