Grrr. E-mail.
OK, I've been bashing my brains out over this mysterious e-mail failure. Any Postfix/Mac OS X experts out there? Here's the problem: I installed a system update to 10.4.2 this morning, and now Postfix is failing to forward any e-mail sent to the site. I've done the usual stuff, checking file permissions and making sure port 25 was working, and those are all OK; I've tried scrutinizing the mail.log file, but I might as well peer at pigeon entrails for all the good that does me.
The really annoying thing about this is that mail sent with submissions to the Tangled Bank or to Grand Rounds for next week won't make it to me, unless they're sent to [email protected]. If you've sent me something since sometime this morning, try again, and I'll try to send an acknowledgment.
Did you try going to spymac and posting your question there? There are Mac techs at Spymac and your question would most likely be answered quickly (at least during working hours).