Plant Problems

The 10 Signs That Your ZZ Plant Is Underwatered

 If you’re seeing any of these signs, your Zz plant is definitely in need of more water! The best solution is to water your plant more often, making sure that the soil is always damp. You might also want to try using a pot with a drainage hole so that the water can escape and your plant won’t be sitting in a pool of water.

The 10 Signs That Your ZZ Plant Is Under watered

You might also want to try using a pot with a drainage hole, so that the water can escape and your plant won’t be sitting in a pool of water. Zz plants like moist soil, but they don’t like to be underwater! With a little more time and attention, you’ll be growing Zz plants like a pro in no time.

How To Kill Gnats In Houseplants: The Easy And Fast Way

Gnats are small insects that live all over the world and feed on organic matter from plants and fruits. Gnats live in houseplants as well as outside plants and they lay eggs on the soil of the plant where their larvae grow by feeding on organic matter from the soil.

Why the Tips of Your Houseplant’s Leaves Are Turning Brown

A natural reaction of plants is to protect themselves from the cold, which can be done by thinning out their leaves. Other reasons for brown tips are the soil that is too dry, improper watering techniques, and sometimes insects can be the cause of browning on plant leaves. 

Common houseplant diseases, symptoms, and remedies

If your plant has already contracted this disease, you can try removing the infected parts of the plant and then providing it with better care.

At some point, most houseplants will become infected with diseases. Some infections are contagious and spread easily from plant to plant, while others are merely the natural result of environmental factors or improper care.

Why are mushrooms growing in house plants? 21

The best way to prevent mushrooms from growing in houseplants is to water the plants correctly and provide them with the right amount of light. Make sure the soil is always dry to the touch before watering and only water the plants when the top of the soil feels dry to the touch.